Hello!!! We are FINALLY back. Again our deepest apologies for being gone so very long! We have been very busy working the kinks our of our new site and if you are new, we are so happy you’ve found us!
Now that you have found us, please update your bookmarks, your readers, and any other way you use to find us!
What’s new on the site? Well obviously there is a new fresh look that embodies the fresh approach we have to help you plan your wedding, but there are some other great features as well.
We have always had a Vendor Directory to help you find the best wedding professionals in Nashville but now the listings contain new ways for you to connect with those vendors you love. You can find their website, Facebook, Twitter, and blog links right on their listing!
Check out the nifty new Event and Workshops page where you can find out what’s going on at the studio and around town at a glance. You can also import our events into your iCal calendar. Just click the iCal import, save the file, and import the file into your iCal account.
Take a look around then let us know what you think! We love the new site and hope you love it as well!