The Perfect Wedding Bouquet Ribbon

As I was drinking my afternoon coffee and flipping through the new Grace Ormonde weddings, I noticed a fantastic use for ribbon that we carry at Wedding 101.  Use the rose-embellished ribbon that comes in several colors as an accent to a wedding bouquet for either you or your bridesmaids or both.  Don’t you LOVE the fresh look of this bouquet!

Another favorite bouquet twist was the rosary embellished with flowers.  A mother came in the other day to find a way to represent the groom’s mother who had passed away recently.  Being a catholic woman, she loved the idea of having the mother’s rosary draped in flowers and used in the ceremony, either carried by the bride or by the flowergirl or even just placed in a place of honor.   Moreso, I loved the gesture being made by the mother of the bride.

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