This weekend is St. Patrick’s Day! I remember picking out my green clothing item a week in advance just to be sure I wouldn’t get pinched at school. These days there’s so many more ways to celebrate the day! Here’s a few ideas for the Nashville area.
Photo by K. Holly Photography
Franklin Main Street Brew Fest
Downtown Franklin 6-9 p.m. Main St. & 2nd Ave. to Main St. & 5th Ave. Franklin, TN
All proceeds will go to Downtown Franklin Association. $45
Day trip to Wearin’ of the Green Irish Day Festival in Erin, TN
Held downtown Erin, TN the parade travels north to south down Main Street ending at the Court Square. In the blocks around the Court Square you will find a plethora of food and crafts items, as well as entertainment on the Square Stage & throughout the venue.
Visit St. Patrick’s Catholic Church for a evening Mass. It features one of the few remaining Second Empire style buildings left in Nashville.
Have dinner at Jimmy Kelly’s Steak House. Les Kerr normally performs at Kelly’s annually during their St. Patrick’s Day Celebration.
Know of some other fun St. Patrick’s Day related events in Nashville this weekend? Comment on our FB page. We’d love to share them!