Real Wedding Captured by SheHeWe Photography

Today’s real wedding will truly melt your heart! Jim and Ilde Cook, of SheHeWe Photography, captured this sweet couple’s intimate nuptials on Ocean Isle Beach in North Carolina. Take a look at this precious wedding…

“We have known Jean­nie since she was 16 — when her fam­ily moved right next door to us in the cozy town of Nolensville. They just may be the best neigh­bors ever to have right next door! Jean­nie went off to col­lege and when face­book lit up last win­ter with news of her engage­ment, we were super excited for her. It felt in a way like a lit­tle glimpse of what it will be like when our girls bring home the same news. Excit­ing, nerve wrack­ing– will we like this guy she brings around? Of course, Tyler, could not be a more per­fect match to keep pace with Jeannie.

The wed­ding took place on a quaint lit­tle beach where Tyler vacationed with his fam­ily every sum­mer grow­ing up as a child. Ocean Isle, just north of Myr­tle Beach, NC. It’s the type of place where every­one waves and kids run bare­foot along the sand and play in the tall grass. I was on my weather chan­nel app every 20 min mon­i­tor­ing the radar’s every move­ment as the clouds were dark­en­ing over­head. Not a great sign for an out­door beach cer­e­mony! We bought a few umbrellas for the first look and just as the last few drops fell they saw each other for the first time and the rain held off through­out the entire cer­e­mony as well! The two new­ly­weds par­tied, danced and laughed with their friends and fam­ily till 2am. Our faces hurt from smil­ing all day and cel­e­brat­ing with this sweet fam­ily we love so well!

On a sappy note,
I men­tioned to Ilde that I kinda teared up tak­ing pic­tures of the cakes…funny thing is she said the same thing to me. What hap­pened is, all the women of the fam­ily made their sig­na­ture cake, and you could totally tell there was a lot of love put into each. Some­thing about that struck a chord with both Ilde and I, hav­ing such an abun­dance of love surrounding you on such an impor­tant day of your life. Congratulations Tyler and Jeannie!” ~ Jim, SheHeWe Photography

~ Vendors ~

Photographer – SheHeWe Photography


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