Well hello there! Long time no see right?! Well we’re finally moved over to our new host and back to a fully functional website and blog!!! We’re so sorry for the patchy posting schedule and crazy 404 errors you may have gotten. Don’t you hate when your hosting company changes the server software, doesn’t tell you about it, then blames your sites issues on the content management system… Yeah, us too!
Today we’re getting right back at it with a beautiful Bridal Session by Rachel Moore Photography that also included the groom. We love this idea because it gives you more time to spend with your friends and family on the big day!
From Rachel: This lovely bridal session features the groom as well! Kristy and Logan’s wedding was in December, and it was going to be too dark outside to take any natural light photos of them together. So Kristy wanted to include Logan in her bridals under one condition, he couldn’t see her. So she blindfolded him for some and for others we got creative with the angle. Logan was a great sport and we all had a great time. Kristy is tall and beautiful and was so much fun to photograph. We shot out in a field and also in studio. I left this session thinking “I love my job!”
Rachel Moore Photography