Most of our posts here are geared toward your big day. I’ve moved quite a bit over the last few years and thought I would share some moving tips I have learned along the way. Maybe you will be moving into a house together, perhaps you already live together but will be looking for a bigger place, or it is possible that you won’t need these now but at some point I am sure they will come in handy.
There is always the option of getting some friends to help move the whole house! This image, via Antenna, made me laugh. If it was only this easy. Here are my top tips providing that you and your friends aren’t carrying your house to a new site:
Box it up
Get some boxes and start packing it up. Big boxes may be tempting because you can put a lot of stuff in them. The problem is that they are very easy to fill up and before you know it they are so heavy you won’t be able to lift them. 1 ft x 2 ft boxes are a perfect size. It’s hard to fill a smaller box so much that it is to heavy to lift. Look for boxes with handle cut outs. The cut outs make them a breeze to carry. Use a permanent marker to write what room the box should be put in once you arrive. You can also make vague notes of what is in the box or even number them to make sure they all arrive at your new abode.
Purge Baby Purge
Packing is a perfect time to go through all your belongings and decide what you no longer need or use. Set up three piles:
Sell- Use this for items you no longer need or want but think are worth money. You can sell them on Ebay, Craigslist, to a consignment shop, or if you have a lot of stuff try a garage sale.
Donate- Use this for items that you don’t feel are worth selling but are still in good condition or if you just don’t want the trouble of trying to sell them. You can also donate anything that you don’t sell just before the move. If someone may have a use for it, donate it.
Trash/Recycle- Use this for items that are in bad shape and you have no use for. If you have items that are recyclable, separate them out and take them to your local convenience center.
The less you pack up, the less you will have to unpack or even worse, store.
Tape, Tape, Tape
Tape, Tape, Tape!
Tape up the boxes, tops and bottoms and use more than you think you will need. Especially use more tape on boxes that contain glass. Nothing is worse than having a box that contains your new china collapse and everything inside shattering on the sidewalk.
Image via BuyABuddyLoad the Truck
If you are fortunate enough to be able to have a moving company load up your boxes and transport it then this is nothing you have to worry about. If you are going this route look around, get more than one quote, and look for reviews online. These are your belongings and you don’t want them ruined in the move. You want a mover who cares about your belongings just as much as you do.
If you are going to move yourself, think about renting a truck. They come in several different sizes. Penske recommends that you give yourself 150 cubic feet of truck space per room that you are moving or you can use their neat Truck Loading Wizard here.
There are three steps to loading a truck efficiently. This will ensure that all of your belongings are kept save during the move and you use all of the truck space to your advantage.
Step 1- Pack large items first. Load your appliances and furniture, except for the mattress and box spring, first. Use blankets to keep pieces from rubbing so they don’t scratch. This will also help with fatigue because all the heavy lifting is done before you are physically worn out.
Step 2- Put in your boxes. Making sure most everything is put in a box makes loading the truck much easier. It’s like a big puzzle. Start by filling in around your furniture. Make sure to have a few folded boxes on hand. You can use these to fill in small places. The idea is to have a nice wall of boxes that are sturdy and have very little movement.
Step 3- Finish it up by putting your box spring and then your mattress at the back of the truck. They will create a protective layer between the boxes and the truck door. Strap them tight against the boxes. This will make sure that there will be no boxes tumbling around during the drive.
Store that Stuff:
Think about renting a storage unit if you are moving to a short term residence and can’t part with everything. Make sure to get the right size and if you know how many cubic feet of boxes you have, you won’t rent more space then you need.
Move it In:
Direct the movers to the right rooms or begin unloading the truck. Unpacking is much easier than packing so get it all un-boxed and enjoy your new home!
We were not paid to promote any products or services in this post. This post is purely for your information and education.