Guest Post: Nashville Wedding Photographer Ryan Sweeney’s FPU at Wedding 101

If you saw our post last week you know that Ryan will be putting on a 13 week Financial Peace University course. Today we have a guest post from Ryan all about the course.

Did you know that the number one cause of divorce in America is money fights and money problems? More and more young couples begin their marriages with loads of debt and have no clue of how much it will affect their life. In most cases, it is student loan debt, maybe a car payment….oh, and the credit card or two that you signed up for when you were in college just to get a free t-shirt.

Don’t be a statistic. Start your marriage off on the right foot. Grab your fiance’ and head over to Wedding 101 in The Factory at Franklin where I will be coordinating Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. This thirteen week class is taught on DVD by Dave Ramsey himself. Classes will be every Thursday evening at 6:30PM beginning, September 9, 2010.


Because Wedding 101 is hosting this FPU class we are only allowing engaged couples to attend. FPU kits are $99 per couple. Financial Peace University will truly change your outlook on life and money, and promote positive communication between you and your soon-to-be spouse.

Space is very limited so don’t wait to sign up!

Contact me or stop by Wedding 101 in The Factory at Franklin to sign up and pay for your FPU kit.

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