Friday DIY: Wooden Spool Place Cards

I stumbled upon these sweet little wooden spool place cards over on BHLDN’s site but at almost $13 each, I knew they would be a perfect DIY.

BHLDN, Place, Card, Holder, Wooden, Spool, Nashville, TN, Weddings, Wedding 101Image via BHLDN

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Wooden Thread Spools, like these, or found in any Craft Store
  • Antiqued Wire, like this
  • Large permanent marker, dowel, or anything round in circumference to help guide your wire into a circle.
  • Wire cutter or snips
  • Heavy Duty Glue
  • Wax Paper

Here’s how it’s done. Take out one of your spools. Measure out and cut a length of wire 2.5 to 3 times the height of your spool. Wrap the one end of wire around your marker (or whatever you are using to shape the wire) a few times. Then, place a good bit of glue down in your spool and insert the straight end of the wire down into the spool. If you have any left a the bottom, cut it off with the wire cutter and let it sit on the wax paper to dry. The wax paper, shinny side up, will keep the glue from sticking to anything if it drips down the inside of the spool. Add thread in your wedding colors to the spools or even paint them in your wedding colors before attaching the wire! These would also make beautiful photograph displays after the wedding!

Don’t forget about everything going on this weekend!

Brides Against Breast Cancer Tour of Gowns
The Chef & I Tasting and Launch Party
Cake Tasting with Sweetface Cakes

Happy planning!

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