Heather and I got a little crafty last Saturday. We went back to our storage room and found some fun DIY project supplies and played in hot glue! This is a very easy and affordable project to do, and it can be customized for wedding reception decor, rehearsal dinner decor, or bridal shower decor. They can even be used as flower vases!
-Empty Wine Bottles
-Rope or Twine
-Hot Glue Gun
-Goo Gone
-Razor/ Box Cutter Blade
Step 1: We used our favorite wine bottles, Cupcake, for our DIY project! There was a very sticky label on the front. I (A2) proceeded to peel it off leaving a horrible mess on the bottle. Heather then used the Goo Gone to remove the rest of the label from the bottle. A little goes a long way! So apply a little bit of Goo Gone on the label and cautiously use the razor blade to remove the rest of the label.
Step 2: After the bottle is clean and clear, it’s time to wrap! Apply hot glue anywhere on the bottle you’d like to start wrapping the rope. Heather wanted to wrap a section in the middle. Once glue is applied, carefully place the beginning of the rope on the glue until it dries. Then, start wrapping the rope around the bottle, applying hot glue every few wraps.
Step 3: Continue wrapping and glueing until you are satisfied! You end the project the same way you started. Once you are at a stopping point, apply a glob of hot glue and cautiously secure the end of your rope, and you are complete!