Today Kate’s sharing how she made these adorable felt flowers and the printed napkins from our DIY Picnic Style Shoot!
Images via Rachel Moore Photography.
Felt Flowers for Table Centerpiece
You’ll need:
- Felt in wedding colors
- Scissors
- Hot glue
Here’s how it’s done:
1.) Cut felt into equal sized squares (the bigger the square, the bigger the flower).
2.) Out of each square, cut a 5 petal flower (Does NOT have to be pretty or even).
3.) Fold flower in half, then in 4ths.
4.) Cut off very bottom edge and line with hot glue.
5.) Glue bottom of flower to a scrap piece of felt that acts as the base of the flower.
5.) Repeat with all the petals until you have the size flower you want.
“Eat” Napkins
You’ll need:
- Plain white napkins
- Letter stamps and ink
- Lace ribbon
- Regular ribbon
- Glue OR pin.
Here’s how it’s done:
1.) Fold napkin as you’d like it to look when set on plates.
2.) Stamp “EAT” on bottom of napkin.
3.) Wrap lace ribbon around napkin and secure in back with hot glue or pretty pin.
4.) Wrap regular ribbon around lace ribbon and tie in a bow.
Images via Rachel Moore Photography.
love tutorials from kate. thanks!
love tutorials from kate. thanks!
How pretty! The flowers are easy to create and definitely a budget saver.