{Etiquette} Name Dropping with Darby Cards!

I stumbled upon a blog from Darby Cards that I knew I had to share. It’s all about leaving your parents names off of your wedding invitations. While this may ruffle some feathers (your parents in-particular), Darby has provided a solution to your wedding invitation name-dropping dilemma! The title is literal. Darby’s going to tell you how to drop your parents’ names from your wedding invite without offending them!


Leaving your parents off your wedding invitation isn’t as mean as you think!

Today’s weddings are costing quite a bit more from days of fresh fruit and multi-colored mint receptions. Décor is becoming more elaborate, food more exquisite, and guest lists looking more like Santa’s Christmas list! Hey, that’s all okay, but it’s definitely not free. So when it comes to the wedding invitation, the very first line designates the hosts, ahem, the people who are shelling it out, for this beautiful affair. Traditionally, this line would be reserved for the bride’s parents but nowadays, it’s not just the bride’s parents who will be hosting/paying for the wedding, it might be the bride’s parents, the groom’s parents and even the bride and groom themselves! So here is a way to reword that first line of your invitation so that it includes everyone…

Together with their parents

Janie Marie Doe


John Kirk Smith

request the pleasure of your company

at their marriage

If the bride and groom are hosting the wedding, their names will be at the top like this…

Janie Marie Doe


John Kirk Smith

request the pleasure of your company

at their marriage…

Or, if you are one of those who hate confrontation, you can completely smooth over the first line with this wording!

The pleasure of your company

is requested at the marriage of

Janie Marie Doe


John Kirk Smith

Keep in mind, it is your wedding, and every family is unique, so do what makes you happy! We as your designers and paper people make the etiquette available for you, and we know it isn’t 1858 anymore. We wear pants, we call boys, we may even talk with our mouths full…but only to our best buds.

Sending love to you!


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