Bridesmaids Pt. 2: What Do I Do?

So, what to do with your newly acclaimed title as bridesmaid?  The most important job is to ensure that your bride has fun through this experience.  For some brides, this will mean taking care of the small details, going with her to pick out her wedding gown, long hours on the cellphone, more hours looking through tagged inspiration boards for the perfect color scheme, OR buying her a cocktail when things get stressful.  Whatever the job may entail, enjoy it!  This is your bestfriend or family-to-be so be sure to spend most of the time just living it up with your friend, the bride.

If you need more than that, you gotta get The Bridemaid’s Guerrilla Handbook by Sarah Stein and Lucy Talbot.  It’s kind of like the bridemaid’s planner.  We’ve got it on our book shelves if you need a copy.

Happy Planning!


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